Vinasa Rompak

Sales Representative / Consultant Agribusiness

Publicat: 06 iulie 2015 - 13:40
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Our client is a top multinational agricultural group, a major player in Europe and having exporting activities worldwide. In order to strengthen its market presence and expand its local operations and client portfolio, the company is looking for a highly experienced, responsible and dedicated professional to fulfil the function of: Sales Representative / Consultant Agribusiness

Our client is a top multinational agricultural group, a major player in Europe and having exporting activities worldwide. In order to strengthen its market presence and expand its local operations and client portfolio, the company is looking for a highly experienced, responsible and dedicated professional to fulfil the function of:
Sales Representative / Consultant Agribusiness
In this position you will be responsible for exploration of the market in order to identify new business opportunities. You will establish, develop and maintain long-term relationships with customers from the agricultural area.
You will advise customers on products’ technical specifications and benefits for ruminants, pigs and poultry, offering professional and customized consultancy to end-users of the products. You will be responsible for promoting and selling the products, as well as for supervising the delivery process.
You will autonomously organize your whole activity in the designated region (home office combined with extensive travelling) and you will perform day to day commercial activities. You will provide continuous support and assistance to the clients in order to ensure high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
You will analyze the market conditions and needs in terms of products and you will take the necessary actions in order to meet clients’ requirements and adapt to market changes. You will be keeping updated on product changes and market trends and will provide required activity reports on time.
You will act as company representative in various specialized fairs and events with the purpose of strengthening local market awareness as well as for developing new business opportunities. Along with the market development you will be in charge with implementing new products.
Having university degree in agricultural sector (agricultural engineer) or veterinary or pharmaceutical field, completed by strong, proven sales experience in agricultural sector you meet the main requirements of this challenging position. Good command of English and profound knowledge of the Romanian market are additional requirements, as well as readiness for intensive travelling within Romania (regional focus will be established at a later stage). Your result orientation, entrepreneurial and pioneering spirit as well as strategic abilities will be necessary for successfully reaching your targets.
Moreover, you have very good team spirit, excellent communication skills and a flexible and constructive approach in general. A dynamic person, creative with good initiative, you are self-confident and you have great presentation skills. You have excellent sales and negotiation skills, as well as project management and financial management knowledge. Based on your experience in working in an international environment, you have the ability to establish a good collaboration basis with people from different cultures, either colleagues or clients.
Also, you have good MS Office knowledge, driving licence and fluency in English language.
If you see this position as the next step in your career, please send in strictest confidence an application letter (mentioning the position title) together with a CV in English to: email:;
HILL International Romania
Str. Tudor Ştefan 34, Sector 1,
011658 - Bucureşti, România
Tel +4 021 230 78 96; Fax +4 021 230 79 13;

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